Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pioneer Crafts Day

Today was Pioneer Crafts day; the kids got to learn how to make cornbread in a solar oven from cornmeal they ground themselves, make butter for aforementioned cornbread, and hand dip candles made from melted wax and crayons (for color). Basket weaving had been part of the plan, but as we've learned with past classes, sometimes you have to be willing to change plans mid-stride!

The lovely and talented Beth was our hostes

With additional help from Kelli

And an assist with lemonade making and cornmeal grinding by Robert

It was a hot day but all the kids were in top form, with interest in the activities and a real desire to make, do , see, participate. We were so proud of all they did.

Here's Lily and Sajen bringing the Solar Ovens outside to set up

Grinding cornmeal for the cornbread

Making cornbread in the kitchen

Making butter from cream

Chili made by Beth, cornbread & butter made by co-op kids

Candle making

Proud kids, just getting started with their candles

To see all the photos from our day, see the slideshow below!

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