Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yoga & Anatomy

Hosted by Soraya, assisted by Karen and Christine

Lesson Plan:
- 10:00 ~ 10:30 am - ARRIVAL/SNACKS (fruits, crackers, juice)
- 10:30 ~ 10:40 am - YOGA GAME
- 10:40 ~ 11:00 am - ANATOMY LESSON (basic knowledge of different sections of the vertebral column: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and tailbone) w/ demonstration of spinal alignment through building a tower of blocks; coloring page)
- 11:00 ~ 12:00 pmYOGA CLASS (warm ups, then practice of Inversions as a way to feel/identify the different sections of the spine coming up from the floor)
- 12:00 ~ 1:00 pm - LUNCH (bring your own)/PLAY
- 1:00 ~ 2:15 pm -  VARIOUS: (a-OM Orchestra (20 min.), b-Guided Relaxation* (10 min.), c-Meditation* (3 min.), d-Drawing Time (15 min.), e-Sharing own drawing/best of the day(15 min.))
- 2:15 pm ~ 3:00 pm - SNACK (fruits, crackers, juice, Indian snack)/PLAY

* During Guided Relaxation and Meditation, kids will have the option of either staying in and doing those two activities w/ Soraya or going outside and playing Yoga Garden with Karen.

Parents: we will have snacks, fruits, crackers, juice (morning and afternoon) and an Indian snack (end of the day) but please do send  lunch w/ your child. Also, dress them in loose and comfortable clothes (no jeans, please ;)).

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